Recent Publications


Recent Publications


Eckel, L.A., Houpt, T.A., & Geary, N.  Spontaneous meal patterns in female Long-Evans rats with and without access to running wheels. Physiol. Behav., 70, 397-405, 2000.

Eckel, L.A., & Geary, N.  Endogenous cholecystokinin's satiating action increases during estrus in femal rats.  Peptides, 20, 451-456, 1999.

Eckel, L.A.  Ingestive behaviour in female rats: influence of the ovarian cycle.  Appetite, 32, 274, 1999.

Asarian, L., Eckel, L.A., & Geary, N.  Behaviorally specific inhibition of sham feeding by amylin.  Peptides, 19, 1711-1718, 1998.

Kahler, A., Geary, N., Eckel, L.A., Campfield, L.A., Smith, F.J., & Langhans, W.  Chronic administration of OB protein decreases food intake by selectively reducing meal size in male rats.  AM. J. Physiol. 275 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 44), R180-R185, 1998.

Eckel, L.A., Langhans, W., Kahler, A., Campfield, L.A., Smith, F.J., & Geary, N.  Chronic administration of OB protein decreases food intake by selectively reducing meal size in female rats. AM. J. Physiol. 275 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 44), R186-R193, 1998.

Paper Under Review

Spencer, C.M., Eckel, L.A., Nardos, R., & Houpt,T.A.  Area postrema lesions attenuate LiCl-induced c-Fos expression correlated with taste aversion learning.  Am. J. Physiol. (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol.), Submitted.

Recent Abstracts

Howard, K., Houpt, T.A., & Eckel, L.A.  c-Fos expression in the nucleus of the solitary tract following lithium chloride: effects of estrogen in female rats.  Soc. Neuroscie. Abstr., 2000.

Eckel, L.A., & Ackert, A.M.  Running wheel access modulates meal patterns and ovarian cycles in food-restricted female rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 2000.

Ackert, A.M., & Eckel, L.A.  Access to running wheels enhances food restriction-induced hyperphagia in female rats. Soc. Study of Ingestive Behav. Abstr., 2000.

Spencer, C.M., Eckel, L.A., Nardos, R., & Houpt, T.A.  Lithium chloride-induced tast aversion and c-Fos expression in amygdala of area postrema-lesioned rats.  Int. Behavioral Neurosci. Soc. Abstr., 1999.

Spencer, C.M., Eckel, L.A., Nardos, R., & Houpt, T.A.  Lithium chloride-induced tast aversion and c-Fos expression in area postrema-lesioned rats. Chem Senses Abstr., 1999.

Eckel, L.A., & Geary, N.  Food ingestion produces graded increases in c-Fos expression in the hindbrain of ovariectomized rats.  Appetite, 32, 1999.

Eckel L.A.  Estradiol exerts an indirect control of meal size. Appetite, 32, 1999.

Eckel, L.A., & Geary, N.  Feeding-induced c-Fos expression in the rat forebrain is volume dependent and regulated by estradiol. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 25, 77, 1999.

Spencer, C.M., Eckel, L.A., Nardos, R., & Houpt, T.A..  Lithium-induced tast aversion and c-Fos expression in area postrema-lesioned rats. Appetite, 32, 1999.

