

Midnight Scan Club

OpenfMRI dataset from the Dosenbach lab and Midnight Scan Club group at WUSTL.

Dataset is described in:
Gordon, E. M., Laumann, T. O., Gilmore, A. W., Newbold, D. J., Greene, D. J., Berg, J. J., ... (2017). Precision functional mapping of individual human brains. Neuron, 95(4), 791-807.


Midnight Scan Club: ROI-based information

Timeseries, correlation matrices, and distance matrices for data from the Midnight Scan Club.
Data is provided from rest and four tasks (motor, semantic, coherence, and memory) and for both group parcellations (Gordon 333 regions) and individual parcellations (described in Gordon et al., 2017).


Probabilistic mapping ROI set and point-and-click tools
Files associated with Dworetsky et al., 2021 "Probabilistic mapping of human functional brain networks identifies regions of high group consensus" in Neuroimaging.



Codebase: Dworetsky et al., 2024, Nature Neuroscience
MATLAB scripts used to conduct border/ectopic variant analyses; allows users to classify network variants as either border shifts or ectopic intrusions, and compare their spatial/network distributions, prediction of behavioral phenotypes, activation during tasks, subgroup properties, and genetic similarity.


Codebase: Gratton et al., 2018, Neuron

Code to conduct analyses on Midnight Scan Club data from:

Gratton C, Laumann TO, Nielsen AN, Greene DJ, Gordon EM, Gilmore AW, Nelson SM, Coalson RS, Snyder AZ, Schlaggar BL, Dosenbach NUF, Petersen SE. Functional brain networks are dominated by stable group and individual factors, not cognitive or daily variation. Neuron. April 18, 2018.


Codebase: Gratton et al., 2020, Neuroimage
The included MATLAB scripts were used in the study: Gratton et al. (2020) Removal of high frequency contamination from motion estimates in single-band fMRI saves data without biasing functional connectivty. Neuroimage. These scripts will allow users to make measurements of the frequency content of motion metrics, relate them to demographic characteristics, and use different motion metrics to detect motion-functional connectivity links following Ciric et al., 2017.


Codebase: Kraus et al., 2021, Neuroimage
The included files and scripts were used in: Kraus et al., 2021. Network variants are similar between task and rest states. Neuroimage. This code will allow users to match sampling of rest data between tasks (if desired), create network variants, find the spatial overlap of variants, assign them to network templates, and other subsidiary analyses included in the paper.


Codebase: Seitzman et al., 2019, PNAS
MATLAB scripts used in the study by Seitzman et al., (2019), "Trait-like variants in human functional brain networks". PNAS. These scripts will allow users to create network variants, assign them to network templates, and find subgroups/sub-types of individuals on the basis of network variants.


Midnight Scan Club: Tutorial - Matlab

Tutorial for viewing and processing functional connectivity data, based on the Midnight scan club dataset.

Originally presented at Dartmouth MIND summer school, 2017.


Midnight Scan Club: Tutorial - Python

Tutorial for viewing and processing functional connectivity data, based on the Midnight scan club dataset.

Originally presented at Neurohackademy summer school, 2019.
