To Prospective Students


I would welcome students who are interested in the hormonal regulation of development and behavior AND who are self-motivated, hard working, and eager to gain experience in neuroscience research.  

Guidelines I Use in Considering Candidates:

1.       Your undergraduate GPA is 3.2 or above.

2.       You have earned Bs or above in relevant biological courses.

3.       You have good communication and writing skills in English.

4.       Preferences are given to those who have research experience. However, if you are an exceptional candidate, those experiences can be learned in my laboratory.

If you meet these criteria and are interested in becoming a graduate student, please submit your application for graduate study to the Program in Neuroscience at Florida State University. Applications may be completed on-line and are available at the Neuroscience Homepage ( In addition, I strongly encourage you to e-mail me, so I will be able to know that you are interested and can pay special attention to your application. 


A Word of Caution: Our faculty receive emails from prospective students on a daily basis. Some students make the mistake of blasting faculty members who have orthogonal interests with nearly identical emails. This undermines your sincerity and shows that you DO NOT have focused interests or research experience. Please be selective when broadcasting your resumes. Many faculty members have begun to treat them as junk emails.


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