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Conference Presentations |
The documents distributed here have been provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein resides with the respective copyright holders, as stated within each paper. |
* Denotes trainee of CANLab *Baisley, S.K., *Arnold, T.C., *Hiser, J., *Novak, L.R., Sato, T. & Li, W. (2017, April). Representational Similarity Analysis of Visual-Olfactory Reward Cues in the Olfactory Cortical Hierarchy. Association for Chemoreception Sciences 39th Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, FL.
*Arnold, T.C., *You, Y., de Araujo, I., Ding, M., & Li, W. (2017, March). Defining the Human Olfactory Network: A Functional Connectome Analysis. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 24th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Baisley, S.K., *Arnold, T.C., *Hiser, J., *Novak, L.R., Sato, T. & Li, W. (2017, March). Neural coding of odor “liking” and “wanting” in the olfactory sensory hierarchy. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 24th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Clancy, K., *Baisley, S., *Kartvelishvili, N., Ding, M., Li, W. (2017, March). Alpha-frequency transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) induces plastic increases in posterior-frontal network connectivity. The Cognitive Neuroscience Society 24th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
*Kartvelishvili, N., *Clancy, K., *Baisley, S., Li, W. (2017, March). Alpha matters: alpha oscillatory activity correlates with sensory profile measures. The Cognitive Neuroscience Society 24th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
*Arnold, T.C., *You, Y., de Araujo, I., Ding, M., & Li, W. (2017, March). Defining the Human Olfactory Network: A Functional Connectome Analysis. The Rushton Lecture Series 6th Annual Symposium. Tallahassee, FL.
*Clancy, K., *Baisley, S., *Kartvelishvili, N., Ding, M., Li, W. (2017, March). Alpha-frequency transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) induces plastic increases in posterior-frontal network connectivity. The Rushton Lecture Series 6th Annual Symposium. Tallahassee, FL.
*Arnold, T.C., de Araujo, I. & Li, W. (2016, June). Defining a human olfactory network based on resting-state functional connectivity. 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT), Yokohama, Japan.
*Clancy, K., Ding, M., Bernat, E., Schmidt, N.B., Li, W. (2016, April). Restlessness in PTSD: Aberrant resting-state alpha and gamma oscillations and top-down causal connectivity. The Cognitive Neuroscience Society 23rd Annual Meeting. New York, NY.
*You, Y. & Li, W. (2015, April). High road or low road? Dissecting the contribution of cortical and subcortical visual pathways to threat encoding in an aversive conditioning study. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 22nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Hiser, J., Sato, T. & Li, W. (2014, April). Category representation across the olfactory sensory hierarchy. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 21st Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
*Novak, L. & Li, W. (2014, April). Visuo-olfactory threat integration and anxiety influence affective appraisal of novel objects. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 21st Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
*You, Y., Awasthi, B. & Li, W. (2014, April). The early visual cortex supports specialized threat encoding-A MEG study. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 21st Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
*Zheng, Y., *Forscher, E. & Li, W.(2014, April). Early categorical and later dimensional perception of fear. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 21st Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
*You, Y. & Li, W.(2013, April). Rapid visual cortical subtyping of threat in high (not low) spatial frequency. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 20th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Novak, L., * Hiser, J., & Li, W. (2013, April). The Influence of Anxiety on Visuo-Olfactory Integration of Perithreshold Positive Affect. Association for Chemoreception Sciences 34th Annual Meeting, Huntington Beach, CA.
*Hiser, J., *Novak, L.R., & Li, W. (2013, April). Visuo-olfactory integration facilitates peri-threshold olfactory categorization. Association for Chemoreception Sciences 34th Annual Meeting, Huntington Beach, CA.
Li, W.(2012, October). Olfactory capture in visuo-olfactory integration of subthreshold threat signals. Oral presentation at invited Symposium (“Neural Circuits Underlying Anxiety and Fear Processing”) at the 2012 Society for Neuroscience conference, New Orleans, LA.
*Novak, L., *Hiser, J., Sato, T. & Li, W. (2012, June). Finding a rose in the woods—visual-olfactory integration of positive emotion. Poster presented at the 16th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, Stockholm, Sweden.
*Forscher, E.C. & Li, W. (2012, April). Parametric depiction of early and late analysis of fear in various intensities: an ERP study. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 19th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
*Krusemark, E. & Li, W. (2012, April). Negative Olfactory Alliesthesia in Anxiety: An fMRI Investigation. Poster presented at the Association for Chemoreception Sciences Society 33rd Annual Conference, Huntington Beach, CA.
*Krusemark, E. & Li, W. (2012, April). Do all threats work the same way? Electrophysiological evidence for early divergence and later convergence in fear and disgust processing. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 19th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
*Novak, L. & Li, W. (2012, April). A smell is more to a face than a face to a smell: Asymmetric visuo-olfactory integration in perceiving subthreshold threat. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 19th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
*You, Y., & Li, W. (2012, April). Low and high spatial frequency information differentially drives fear and disgust processing. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 19th Conference, Chicago, IL.
*Krusemark, E., & Li, W. (2011, April). An fMRI investigation of negative olfactory alliesthesia: Enhanced perception of subthreshold negative odors in anxiety. Association for Chemoreception Sciences 32nd Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
*Novak, L. & Li, W. (2011, April). Olfactory-visual synthesis sharpens subthreshold threat perception: an fMRI study. Association for Chemoreception Sciences 32nd Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
*Krusemark, E. & Li, W. (2011, April). Do all threats work the same way? Early divergence and later convergence in fear and disgust perception. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 18th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Rozek, D., *Cahill, E. A., & Li, W. (2010, April). Sharper social sight: Acute threat perception contributes to negative interpretation bias in social anxiety. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 17th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
*Cahill, E.A., *Novak, L., & Li, W. (2010, April) Olfactory-visual integration facilitates perceptual discrimination of facial expressions. The Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) 31th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Li, W.(2009, April) Learning to smell: Olfactory perceptual learning and its ecological impact. Talk at a symposium of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) 30th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
*Novak, L.,*Cahill, E., & Li, W. (2009, April) Sniffing out Fear: Anxiety Enhances Olfactory Discrimination Learning via Aversive Conditioning. Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) 30th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Li, W. (2008, October) Fear-related Cognitive Biases in Anxiety. Organizer and speaker of invited symposium (“Affective and Cognitive Biases in Psychopathology”) at the 5th World Congress of Psychotherapy, Beijing, China.
Li, W., Lopez, L., Howard, J.A., & Gottfried, J.A. (2008, July) Unconscious perceptual and affective processing of odors in anosmia due to right orbitofrontal injury. The 15th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste/Association for Chemoreception Sciences, San Francisco, CA.
Howard, J.A., Li, W., & Gottfried, J.A. (2008, July) Olfactory Imaging Probes of Limbic Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease. The 15thInternational Symposium on Olfaction and Taste/Association for Chemoreception Sciences, San Francisco, CA.
Hong, J., Lee, A.Y. & Li, W. (2007, October), Bilateral Affective Priming and Consumer Judgment. Talk presented at Symposium “The Multiple Routes of Affective Influences on Consumer Behavior”. The North American Conference for Consumer Research, Memphis, TN.
Li, W., Howard, J., Benton, M., Davchev, A., Djoev, V., Parrish, T., & Gottfried, J.A. (2007, June). Odor Discrimination Learning in an fMRI Paradigm of Aversive Conditioning. The 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Chicago, IL.
Howard, J., Gottfried, J.A., Plailly, J., Li, W., & Parrish, T. (2007, June). Distributed neural representations of odor quality in human piriform cortex. The 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Chicago, IL.
Li, W., Howard, J., Benton, M., & Gottfried, J.A. (2007, April). A Shock to the Senses: Odor Discrimination Learning in an fMRI Paradigm of Aversive Conditioning. Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) 29th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Li, W., Howard, J., Benton, M., & Gottfried, J.A. (2007, March). Olfactory aversive learning in human orbitofrontal cortex. Linking Affect to Action: Critical Contributions of the Orbitofrontal Cortex, New York Academy of Sciences.
Li, W., Moallem, I., & Gottfried, J.A. (2006, April). Beauty is in the “nose” of the beholder – Unconscious smells influence perceived likability. Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) 28th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Gottfried, J.A., Li, W., & Howard, J. (2006, April). Olfactory perceptual learning in human piriform and orbitofrontal cortex.Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) 28th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Li, W., Paller, K.A., & Zinbarg, R.E. (2005, April). Subliminal emotional expression influences behavioral and electrophysiological responses to faces. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Li, W., Paller, K.A., & Zinbarg, R.E. (2004, May). Unconscious processing of threat words in individuals with high trait anxiety. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL.
Li, W., Paller, K.A., & Zinbarg, R.E. (2004, April). Emotional Stroop interference for subliminal and supraliminal word presentations: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Li, W.(2003, November). Applying the Jacoby task to study unconscious cognitive bias in anxiety. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.
Li, W.& Zinbarg, R.E. (2002, November). Anxiety sensitivity, stress and panic: replication and extension. Talk presented at the Anxiety Sensitivity Symposium, the Annual Conference of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, NV.
Li, W.& Zinbarg, R.E. (2002, June). Anxiety sensitivity, stress and panic: a vicious cycle. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Society, New Orleans, LA.
Li, W. & Zinbarg, R.E. (2001, May). Anxiety sensitivity, stress and panic: a longitudinal study on the pathogenesis of spontaneous panic attacks. Talk presented at the Anxiety Symposium, the Annual Conference of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
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Department of Psychology - Florida State University 1107 W. CALL STREET TALLAHASSEE, FL 32306-4301 Phone: (850) 645-9312 |