Publications for Parents

Cognitive Training Treatment Study Flyer PDF

ADHD Handout. PDF

About the Children's Learning Clinic PDF

Aduen, P.A., Cox, D.J., Fabiano, G.A., Garner, A.A., & Kofler, M.J. (2019). Expert recommendations for improving driving safety for teens and adult drivers with ADHD. The ADHD Report. PDF

Orban, S.A., Rapport, M.D., Friedman, L.M., & Kofler, M.J. (in press). Executive function/cognitive training for children with ADHD: Do results warrant the hype and cost? The ADHD Report, 22, 8-14. PDF

Kofler, M.J., Rapport, M.D., Bolden, J., & Altro, T.A. (2008). Working memory as a core deficit in ADHD: Preliminary findings and implications. The ADHD Report, 16, 8-14. PDF

Interested in CLC services?

Interested caregivers can call us at (850) 645-7423. A member of the CLC will then contact you to answer your questions and conduct CLC Logoa brief (5-10 minutes) screening interview.

We are currently recruiting children ages 8-11 with suspected attention, behavior, or learning difficulties for our research on children's attention, memory, and learning.

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Register with our Center for Center for Developmental StudiesDevelopmental Science and be the first to hear about us and other FSU study opportunities!